
3:35am 07-02-2017
Hey! I've been following this site for a long time and I've always loved your downloads. One of my favorites is the Obsessional oceans pack but it seems that the download doesn't work anymore. Can you fix it? That would be awesome
Replied on: 3:40pm 10-02-2017

I'll look into it. The reason I removed them from the site because the packs are extremely outdated. I can't believe people actually use them still XD.

8:22pm 06-02-2017
Liam Sinclair
Hi what was the trees and bushes you used in your main entrance video on YouTube using the new taronga building set.
Replied on: 3:40pm 10-02-2017

I don't know. Probably personal use trees.

3:25am 05-02-2017
Please please keep designing! The game would be boring without your creations!
Replied on: 3:41pm 10-02-2017

Thanks! I will (for now at least ).

4:02pm 04-02-2017
Thank you for your brilliant downloads. Looking forward to the food counters and the Modern Kitchen when you complete them. .
Replied on: 3:41pm 10-02-2017

Thanks for your message.

5:58pm 31-01-2017
Joe Jones
I just discovered your site and I love what I see. I was just wondering though, when you make the gift shop sets, do the people actually go in there and purchase your merchandise or is it all simply for show and do the guests actually interact with the sets?
Replied on: 7:05pm 01-02-2017

This version is just for show.

5:55pm 31-01-2017
is it possible to create realistic food stands that the guests would use in game?
Replied on: 7:05pm 01-02-2017


5:04pm 29-01-2017
I've always loved your downloads, one question though. Are the tables and chairs from the restaurant pack usable by guests? If not, could you please make them usable? I don't see any point in making chairs your guests can't use. Thx and have a nice day
Replied on: 7:02pm 29-01-2017

First of all, most people do not have guests in their park, because they're ugly and annoying , but to create realistic parks you'd need tables and chairs etc.

But, they are already useable for guests .

5:23am 29-01-2017
Hello I have problems when I want to use the content that I downloaded , when I try to use it, the game stop working and close from the nowhere , can you tell me why this happens ? :c
Replied on: 7:02pm 29-01-2017

Ask here:

8:14pm 28-01-2017
I love your downloads! I was wondering if you could do a YT video on how to make counters with the medical or gift shop packs? Thanks.
Replied on: 7:03pm 29-01-2017

Uhh I don't see why . The counters are one object so what's there to teach in placing them?

6:08pm 28-01-2017
Thank you so much for all of your releases. You creations got me back into the game after years of disinterest, especially after I saw the zoos you made on your old site. Your creations are incredibly useful, beautiful, and functional. Thank you for releasing them for others to use!
Replied on: 3:42pm 10-02-2017

You're welcome. Thanks for your message.

2:20am 28-01-2017
Replied on: 3:41pm 10-02-2017

You're welcome.

8:23pm 27-01-2017
I just wanted to thank you for all of your efforts and for sharing your talents with us!
I enjoy playing ZT2 and your mods are hands down my favorite
Life's throwing me some interesting challenges right now and one of the things that's helping me relaxing is just sitting down, bringing up one of your building sets, and see what I can create (even if it's just in my head because I can't build at that time)...especially as you are working on releasing new items. Thank you SO much for helping brighten my day!!!
Replied on: 3:41pm 10-02-2017

Thanks for your kind words!

6:44pm 27-01-2017
Got an idea, hope this would be useful
Since chainlink & glass elevated paths don't merge with normal ones, a railing can be placed between them... this allows creating rooms & vivariums directly on elevated paths - a milestone in zoo building!!!

Please take a look (the chainlink texture here is replaced by non-transparent):

The needed entities are pre-placed and then normal path is changed to glass or chainlink (since nothing can be placed on those paths directly - is this coding somewhat linked with non-merging?).
Of course there are 'holes' from the underside:
If normal 'thick' elevated path is coded like this, it would function just like normal floor.

Using Snowleo's 'borderless' grey & white paths, it's possible to 'step' from it to glass/chainlink path, still being able to set railings where needed.

Railings cannot be placed if chainlnk&glass path's edge meets nothing. In this situation, a building entity in the shape of fence unit would help to finish the outer wall.

And ultimately, just the same building-fence unit can function on normal path as a fence on the ground, if given proper collision coding.
12:30am 27-01-2017
I understand that you have moved on from your older projects but have you ever gone back to fix any issues with some of your older ones especially the good ones?
Replied on: 11:12am 27-01-2017

Such as? I don't mind fixing some of the older downloads, but then I'll have to know what there is too fix .

11:42pm 26-01-2017
Your work is amazing!
Replied on: 11:12am 27-01-2017


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